I have always been scared of math subject. Topics like differentiation, calculus, coordinate geometry, statistics give me nightmares. I always try to find sources from where I can get math assignment help. Obviously math Assignment Expert is always by first preference when it comes to online math help. My point is, I try to reduce my mathematics workload and my math teacher comes up with more innovative ways to make me do my own homework. Some of the new methods in which the math teacher is allocating math homework are:

Homework Buddies: Two students sitting on one desk for a term becomes homework buddies. There are few math assignments which we have to solve together. I need to discuss math problem with my homework buddy and then we have to solve it together. Rather than solving a problem, we end up debating over our views on it and thus end up wasting time.
Calling out names: The teacher calls student and ask him/her to give answer to the homework problem, moving quickly through the rows. Thus my math teacher ensures that every student in the class completes the math assignment.
Math Presentation: The math teacher assigns one problem to each student. The student comes to the board, solves the problem, and explains his/her method. Points are assigned based on the method used, accuracy of the answer and the way the student has presented.
Math test: Frequent math test is conducted in class. We have to solve the test in the first half of the class and later we have to self-correct our work in different colored pen. These tests make me realize my understanding of the math topic.
These new ways of giving math assignment and math homework is consuming most of my time and I am always on a look out for math assignment help. Â I do take math assignment help from math Assignment Experts and then spend my time in understanding the solution they have provided me. Thus I end up answering all math problems in classroom, scoring good marks in presentations and test and also enjoying my free time pursuing my hobbies.